Dead Mans Draw



A game of risk vs reward by Mayday Games. Accommodating 2 to 4 players or 2 to 8 with two games combined and play in 10-15 minutes. You have a deck of cards to draw from and you earn points at the end of the game based on the cards that you have collected. The catch is that you can’t draw the same suit twice or you bust losing all your cards. There are ten suits on the game each with ? Cards in the suit. When the draw deck runs out the game is over and you tally the scores. So now that you have the basic premise of the game let’s talk about what’s in the box and how to setup to play.

The components of this game are: ( I am using the Kickstarter Limited edition version)
1: rule book (always good to have)

2: 60 loot cards ( 62 due to mermaid suit Kickstarter stretch goal)
3: 17 trait cards (18 due to mermaid suit Kickstarter stretch goal)
4: wooden skull and crossbones 1st player marker (Kickstarter stretch goal)*not included in retail version of the game*

first player token
5: one pack card sleeves ( Kickstarter stretch goal)*not included in retail version of the game*
6: 4 suit abilities reference cards ( Kickstarter stretch goal) (4 correction stickers to fix misprint of sword ability)
7: 2 trait reference cards (Kickstarter stretch goal)
8: mermaid suit ability reference card / siren trait card (alternate rules based on steam/pc game)(Kickstarter stretch goal)
9: 6 game variant cards (Kickstarter stretch goal)

Alright on to game setup
1. Make the discard pile with lowest card from each suit (4 card of mermaid suit and 2 card from all other suits in standard game.)
2. The rest of the cards make draw pile
3. Each player choose their trait
4. Choose weather or note to use a game variant (game addition not listed in the rulebook (reference card only)
5. Choose first player and enjoy the game

1. First player draws a card and continues until they bust or stop
2. Turn passes
3. Continue till draw pile is empty
4. Tally score


I fell in love with this game when it was 1st available on IOS roughly two years ago. I backed the first unsuccessful Kickstarter and was super excited to find out they partnered with Mayday to try again. I feel the rules work very well and with the provided multiple way to win the game it keeps the game fresh. The theme is rich and the artwork on the front and back of all the cards is well done.
I have pulled this game out many time for quick filler games and did decide to go ahead and purchase an additional copy to expand player cap to 8.

My score is:
Retail Edition 3.3/5
Kickstarter Edition 4.3/5
Pure fun factor 4.5/5

Breakdown of score:

• Box: Is of a thick cardboard that I would not be afraid to carry around in my backpack for quick games on the go. 4.5/5
• Cards: they are of a good quality that should hold up to a good amount of shuffling and general wear. I have mine sleeved because the Kickstarter came with a pack of sleeves and I am really big on sleeving any cards that will be shuffled repeatedly. 4/5
• Rule book: It is a small rule book with all the base game information explained in a easy to understand format. It does not include any of the descriptions for alternate win conditions or alternate suit abilities. This is fine unless you lose the reference cards or just prefer to have all information in the rulebook. For this reason alone I have lowered my rating. 3.5/5
• First player token (Kickstarter exclusive): this is a Kickstarter stretch goal that I a good quality small laser cut wooden skull and cross bones. Not expensive by any means but adds a lot the the theme of the game. Coolness factor is a 5/5

gameplay 4.5/5

City of horror – need the right group

Right after Christmas I played a game of City of Horror. Going into the game I was very intrigued with the style of play As It is heavy on negotiations, alliance and back stabbing. however I did not enjoy the game at all. Now this is not to say that it ssid a bad game, I just played it with the wrong group. So before I feel comfortable doing a full review I will have to play with a different group, one that is more comfortable with alliance and possibly screwing over the other players in the game to insure there survival to the end.


Leveled up and moved on

I wanted to take a few moments and share some words about a dear friend, roommate and brother that left this plane of existence a few weeks ago.

My partner and I met Alex while I was running Dungeons & Dragons Encounters at a local game store back about five years ago. I didnt really think anything about us meeting as I had meet many people that had dropped in on these games. I would talk to him outside if we were taking a smoke break but that was just friendly conversation, I never thought hey lets make this guy my new best friend it just happened.

And this how it did, one day I got to the store earlier than normal to set up and it so happened that the owners wife was tending to the store that day. She had a acquaintance that had stopped by to visit who started telling me that her boyfriend was looking for players for his Star Wars game. Long story short I talked to her boyfriend planned for my partner and I to join the  game but he still need another player. I knew quite a few people that might be interested however it came down to most of them really only had time in their schedules for encounters, so I decided  to asking Alex. He was more than happy to give the game a try. That Star Wars game turned out to be the start of a lasting friendship not only with Alex but the whole group.

Due to jobs our GM and girlfriend moved across town we kept in touch though we didn’t have the funds to spend much time together (later they would move back to the same side of town). Alex on the other hand started coming over to the house about six nights a week to spend the evening playing games. After a few months of him basically living there after work we talked about him moving in.

Spontaneous games planned weekend gaming sessions and holiday games will be the memories I will cherish. Together we built a large game library of thematic board games and RPG’s. Savage Worlds became our go to system for RPG’s. I remember the first Christmas we were all together he said Christmas wasn’t really his thing. I bought him the Iron Dynasty rule book for savage worlds and I thought he was gonna cry. I wasn’t that he didn’t really do Christmas but that no one ever got him anything he liked. After that I believe holidays became fun for him again. At our house we always made a point that holidays meant gaming not just sitting around doing nothing.

For me there I know there will be things which are going to be tough to get past. Gaming will forever stay in my life though with the start of every game there will be a silent salute to my gaming brother.

Although his life was cut to short in my eyes he has leveled up and moved on. May the force be with you Alex. Star Wars kicked off our friendship and it happened to be the last game we played together.

IMG_0446Alex along with his best friend from elementarty school Gregg, FeFe, Jay, my stepson and his girlfriend, my partner Stacey and myself. Christmas 2013

Zombies an OCD nightmare

As titles states this game is a nightmare for anyone with just a small case of OCD.

I must admit that I do have a bit of a problem with game pieces getting messed up. Now most of the time this is not an issue game pieces get knocked around from time to time you clean up the disarray and move on never giving it a second thought.
Zombies however pushes this past the point of no return. my experience with this game is once you get a few rounds in you have 6+ tiles laid out and counting. you also have you mini and probably many zombies. as the game goes on the the tiles made of thin light card stock get bumped moved and just messed up. every turn or at least every other turn you are spending just as much time trying to keep everything straight as you are playing the game. A game that can be fun is instead a hassle all the way through.

Now there are some ways that i can think of to get past this however i have no interest in doing so myself. I will list a few of them though in case you feel the same way and want to take the effort.

1. Don’t draw a card each turn set the city of ahead of time under Plexiglas
2. Tape a locking hook on the back of each card
3. You maybe able to think of others

Dungeon command


Dungeon is a miniatures skirmish game that fits the need for a quick dungeon delve (only about 1 hour to play after you have learned the rules). It seems to bring in the feel of a couple of WOTC prior games such as their previous miniatures game from 3.5 and their Magic TCG as well as the current D&D adventure games (Castle Ravenloft, Wrath of Ashardalon  and The legend of Drittz) The maps have a similar layout to the 3.5 maps with each side have its own start area and each miniature has its own stat card, however that is where the similarities stop. The maps are a module system that pulls its design from the adventure games, just like the adventure games the map are changeable and are put together in a puzzle like fashion. The are a lot of games that use the tapping function to show that a unit has been used for something, however in this game with the abilities that are present and the lack of dice to roll it has been mentioned to me that it feels like a game of magic with miniatures (I can agree with that to some extent).
This product is packaged as faction sets with two factions out right now. The first of these is Sting of Lolth featuring some not so friendly Drow and the second being a set of good heroes call the Heart of Cormyr.
According to wizards website there are two more factions coming out this year Tyranny of Goblins on September 18th 2012 and Curse of Undeath on November 20th 2012. The twelve miniatures in the Sting of Lolth are made up of 2 demon web spiders, a drider, Drow Assassin, Drow Blademaster, 2 Drow house Guards, a drow priestess, Drow wizard, Giant spider, Shadow mastiff and a Umber Hulk. The Twelve miniatures in the hero faction include a Dragon knight, Dwarf Cleric, 2 dwarven Defenders, 2 elf Archers, a halfling sneak, half orc thug, human ranger, war wizard, earth guardian and a copper Dragon. The two remaining announced but unpublished sets will include Goblins, Hobgoblins bugbears and a feral troll in the Tyranny of goblins and grave-hounds lich necromancer and dracolich in the curse of undeath set. The quality of these miniatures is very similar slightly better or slightly worse in some area to the 4th edition miniatures, however the big difference is they are not random. (I believe the dragon in the heroes set is the same one I got in my 4th ed minis.) In the box along with the miniatures you will find 4 map puzzle pieces 2 small and two large, each double sided depicting a dungeon scene on one side and a outdoor scene on the other. As well as 2 commander cards with different features, a creature  card for each miniature and a card to be able to use each miniature in one of the adventure games. Also of not are the damage and other tokens as well as a nice form storage tray to keep everything in order. So what you get for the price of one faction set ($40) is the ability to use the miniatures in at least three different games first of the games being dungeon command (duh), secondly and ofthe D&D adventure games such as Castle Ravenloft and lets not forget just a well love RPG game.

I am giving this game a 3.8/5

Breakdown for my grade

Storage: box is rather thin as is the preformed plastic tray, I just do not see this holding up well in travel back and forth to game stores and cons etc..   3/5

Minis: good quality constant with what wizards has put out in the past. 4/5

Rules book/ ease of learning: very well laid out and not to long once you
read through and play a couple of games all the little confusing bits start to make sense and you will make a new home for the rule book under the tray. 4/5

Cards and tokens quality: tokens are rather nice thick card board should hold up a long time. The cards need a card sleeve if you plan to play on a semi regular basis as they are a little lower quality than the adventure games or even the older miniature skirmish cards. 3.5/5

Replay value: I feel good about the replay value there are a lot of tactics you can use in this system with order cards and special creature abilities. As more of these faction packs come out you will even be able to build your own faction. 4.5/5

Shadows over Camelot Over View & Review

shadows over camelot

Days of Wonder description of this game is a unique collaborative game featuring a malevolent twist! As the incarnation of the Knights of the Round Table, you join forces against the game itself in an attempt to protect Camelot.

Shadows over Camelot is a days of wonder game produced in 2005 for 3-7 players, playtime is listed @ 90 min for ages 10 and up.

This game is very theme heavy being set in Camelot during King Arthur’s  reign. The main goal of the game is to keep Camelot from falling.Now this may sound easy but trust me it is NOT! There are three ways to lose this game 1. have 7 or more black swords on the round table . 2. Have 12 siege engines placed at once in the siege area. 3. everyone gets to zero life points. However there is only one way to win the game, and that is to have more white swords on the round table at the end of the game than Black swords. One last thing to mention on winning this game is that there is a loyal and traitor feature in this game (optional). At the beginning of the game at setup you deal out loyalty cards randomly based on the number of players. If you get a loyal card nothing with your gameplay changes however if you are the traitor your goal is to end the game with more black swords than white, If you make it through the whole game without being accused/ outed as the traitor you show yourself and turn over 4 white swords to black.

Lets get some more detail on playing the traitor before we move on. If you are the traitor you will want to get rid of white cards that are helpful or try to keep black cards that loyal players would find harmful. Some of the quest listed below will help you with that. There is also another way to make the game harder for the loyal characters however it is the most obvious and most likely way to be accused of being the traitor. Some of the quest listed below allow you to place black cards face down in exchange for being able to automatically being able to draw a white card. Laying this card face down makes it so that you are the only one that knows what the level of difficulty the card is and can cause other players to lose the quest because of the face down card. So do this with caution.
White swords are gained by successfully completing quest such asexcalibur,  Lancelets armor and the quest for the holy grail. There are other quests which I will mention later. If you fail one of these quest black swords are added to the round table.

Gameplay is broken up as player turns where you take the following steps.
1st step is called the progression of evil where you have a few choices all bad.
You can draw a progression of evil card which contains many bad thing ranging from being called back to camelot, laying a siege engine, or forces to defeat on the quests. Place a siege engine or lose 1 life point.
2nd step is your heroic action where you again have a few choices. If your in camelot you can stay there and draw 2 white cards (these allow you to fight the evil cards) or fight a siege engine, you can more to one of the quest areas or if you start in a quest area you can complete a quest action.
Break down of quests eight quest available.
1. Quest for the grail: This is a group quest so you may have many people moving in and out trying to defeat this quest. The goal here is to lay down 7 White grail cards before 7 black despair or desolation cards have been played.
2. Lancelot Armor: This is a solo quest, so you do not want to attempt this quest unless you have all the cards necessary to play. Solo quest require that you stay until the quest is completed or you lose all of your progress. (you can still be forced to leave by certain progression of evil
(black cards)To win this quest you must lay fight cards as a full house (ie. 3 fight cards of one strength and 2 fight cards of a different strength) before 5 black progression of evil cards are laid down. However there is still one more condition you must meet to win this quest, the total of your full house must exceed the total of the black cards on that quest.
3. Excalibur: This is a group quest. to win excalibur you need only move to this quest and discard cards to pull excalibur closer to you. Just watch out for (black) excalibur progression of evil cards trying to make excalibur lost forever. (If you are the traitor this quest is a great way to get rid of some good cards with ease.)
4. Picts (Ongoing) Whenever you draw a progression of evil card and it tells you to add a Picts you place one of the picts minis on the quest, when there are four minis that quest is lost. To fight off the Picts you have to play a straight (fight cards 1-5) before 4 Picts are put on the board.
5. Saxons (Ongoing) Same rules as Picts
6. Dragon: once Lancelot’s armor quest is won or lost then the board gets flipped over and the Dragon quest begins. This is a group quest that is played the same as the armor quest with the difference being that you have to get 3 sets of three before 5 dragon cards are laid that exceed the value of the dragon cards
7. Dark knight: This is a continuous quest that can be won or lost many times. cards are added to the Dark knights side through progression of evil cards same as the armor and dragon quest. This time however you need two pairs that are higher value than the black cards laid. Also note that this is a solo quest so once you commit you must stay or lose your progress.
8. remove siege engines: as siege engine make there way onto the board though progression of evil effects they will need to be fought off. removing a siege engine is achived by playing fight cards from you hand. example i have a 5 and a 2 fight card to i play them, now i must roll an D8 and roll a 6 or lower (ties go to the game not the players.) however if i had a 5 and a four I would not need to roll at all as it is not possible for me to roll a 9.

Now for my opinion of the game:
The quality of the components is this game are very high with  a lot of plastic minis solid game boards and other cardboard pieces. The minis are rather detailed and would look really nice if you had the talent and time to paint them up (note that the knights already have a colored based to make it easy to pick out you mini during game play.) All four of the game boards are well made and with many play through there has been no bent or pealing corners. The cards are of a good quality however I suggest buying card sleeves to make the cards last as long as possible (after about 6 or seven games I started to notice wear from repeated shuffling and general handling.) The biggest complaint taht i have with the game components is the coat of arms cards (knight cards) because they are roughly 5×7 and need to be randomized before game play the stock they are on does allow the corners to bend easily.

This is one of my favorite games to play it just offers so much to do and you really feel the struggle to win.  The fact that you are not guaranteed to win and you have no clue if one of your friends sitting next to you is the traitor trying to stab you in the back and win the game for himself keeps the excitement alive for me. The amount of stratagy that goes into playing this game and team work that it takes to win will keep you on your toes. The game suggests that you choose your knight at random to get a fair mix of the abilities as each knight has a differant strength or power, however if it is your first time playing and you only have there players I would highly suggest that you use the easy game rules with the extra life points, no traitor and the 3 suggested  starting knights so you can get the feel of the game.
I believe that this is still out of print however it is still available online from ebay amazon and other sites between $40 to $60 so go ahead give it a try! I give this game a 9 out of 10 stars while the current rating listed on board game geek is 7.13