Zombies an OCD nightmare

As titles states this game is a nightmare for anyone with just a small case of OCD.

I must admit that I do have a bit of a problem with game pieces getting messed up. Now most of the time this is not an issue game pieces get knocked around from time to time you clean up the disarray and move on never giving it a second thought.
Zombies however pushes this past the point of no return. my experience with this game is once you get a few rounds in you have 6+ tiles laid out and counting. you also have you mini and probably many zombies. as the game goes on the the tiles made of thin light card stock get bumped moved and just messed up. every turn or at least every other turn you are spending just as much time trying to keep everything straight as you are playing the game. A game that can be fun is instead a hassle all the way through.

Now there are some ways that i can think of to get past this however i have no interest in doing so myself. I will list a few of them though in case you feel the same way and want to take the effort.

1. Don’t draw a card each turn set the city of ahead of time under Plexiglas
2. Tape a locking hook on the back of each card
3. You maybe able to think of others