
Leveled up and moved on

I wanted to take a few moments and share some words about a dear friend, roommate and brother that left this plane of existence a few weeks ago.

My partner and I met Alex while I was running Dungeons & Dragons Encounters at a local game store back about five years ago. I didnt really think anything about us meeting as I had meet many people that had dropped in on these games. I would talk to him outside if we were taking a smoke break but that was just friendly conversation, I never thought hey lets make this guy my new best friend it just happened.

And this how it did, one day I got to the store earlier than normal to set up and it so happened that the owners wife was tending to the store that day. She had a acquaintance that had stopped by to visit who started telling me that her boyfriend was looking for players for his Star Wars game. Long story short I talked to her boyfriend planned for my partner and I to join the  game but he still need another player. I knew quite a few people that might be interested however it came down to most of them really only had time in their schedules for encounters, so I decided  to asking Alex. He was more than happy to give the game a try. That Star Wars game turned out to be the start of a lasting friendship not only with Alex but the whole group.

Due to jobs our GM and girlfriend moved across town we kept in touch though we didn’t have the funds to spend much time together (later they would move back to the same side of town). Alex on the other hand started coming over to the house about six nights a week to spend the evening playing games. After a few months of him basically living there after work we talked about him moving in.

Spontaneous games planned weekend gaming sessions and holiday games will be the memories I will cherish. Together we built a large game library of thematic board games and RPG’s. Savage Worlds became our go to system for RPG’s. I remember the first Christmas we were all together he said Christmas wasn’t really his thing. I bought him the Iron Dynasty rule book for savage worlds and I thought he was gonna cry. I wasn’t that he didn’t really do Christmas but that no one ever got him anything he liked. After that I believe holidays became fun for him again. At our house we always made a point that holidays meant gaming not just sitting around doing nothing.

For me there I know there will be things which are going to be tough to get past. Gaming will forever stay in my life though with the start of every game there will be a silent salute to my gaming brother.

Although his life was cut to short in my eyes he has leveled up and moved on. May the force be with you Alex. Star Wars kicked off our friendship and it happened to be the last game we played together.

IMG_0446Alex along with his best friend from elementarty school Gregg, FeFe, Jay, my stepson and his girlfriend, my partner Stacey and myself. Christmas 2013